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Category Archives: MIT
To Infinity and Beyond
We are officially expats. The movers showed last Monday and packed what was left of our belongings into neat symmetrical boxes all cataloged and labeled. A snapshot of where our life stopped in Boston ready to be picked up 6 weeks later in Abu Dhabi. Continue reading
So long MIT
It is not a good by, but a so long to MIT and Boston. We will be back soon. Continue reading
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Just then a song came into my head; REM’s ‘King of Birds’ lyrics, standing on the shoulders of giants, it leaves me cold. Continue reading
Posted in Education, History, MIT, Science / Engineering
Tagged Education, Hope, Minority Faculty, MIT, MLK Scholars
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Padma Lakshmi opens the MIT Center for Gynepathology Research
Her pain was apparent in her heart felt rendering of how she had suffered through misdiagnosis and unnecessary medical procedures before a friend referred her to Dr. Seckin. Padma told of the relief she felt hearing Dr. Seckin’s words. He understood what she was going through. His life’s work has been dedicated to understanding the molecular underpinnings of this debilitating disease. Continue reading
Thankful for being able to do what it is that I do …
I get this look of fear and awe when I explain that the things I study grow at 100-200 atmospheres, at temperatures between 50-75 degreed centigrade, and under acidic conditions so extreme it would peel the skin off your bones. Like I said, this is pretty cool stuff Continue reading
Posted in Blogs, Experiments, Microbes, MIT, Science / Engineering
Tagged Daily Life, Experiment, Extremophiles, Microbes, MIT, Research, Science / Engineering
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Center for Alternative Technology – Paul Allen
Last Friday, Paul Allen from the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) in Machynlleth Mid-Wales spoke about the centers work during seminar in the Parson’s Lab. He is the CAT Development Director and co-author of the Zero Carbon Britain (ZCB) report. … Continue reading
OpenLabWare – demystifying the research process
George S. Zaidan ’08, while an undergraduate at MIT, ran into a conceptual problem while teaching a course for high school students (See The Tech article). He asked his students to plan an experiment and in the process realized that … Continue reading
Posted in Blogs, Education, Experiments, MIT, Science / Engineering
Tagged Discovery, Education, Experiments, George S. Zaidan, John M Essigmann, MIT, OpenLabWare, Science Education, The Tech
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Life under high pressure – the setup
It was only recently that we began to understand the capacity of microbes to populate the most inhospitable places on earth. From the inside of nuclear reactors to highly corrosive sulfur environments, microbes are there. We have found them … Continue reading
Professor John M. Essigmann – Mentor and Friend – Wins MIT’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award
Professor John Essigmann was awarded the Dr. Martin Luther King Leadership Award tonight for his work over his tenure at MIT as an advocate for the minority community making students, faculty, and all other members of MIT feel welcome at … Continue reading