- Missed an ink pen in the anaerobic exchange decompression chamber. Black ink everywhere – Duhh! #experimentfail #
- RT @TallDavid:RT @charyl: #Texas governor who refused #stimulus funds asks federal government for a loan http://bit.ly/SiJgM #
- RT @anadk:Amigos, take a look at site set up by hondureños to tell their stories in these hard times: http://hablahonduras.com/ #honduras #
- RT @PastryNinja:Made white chocolate chip shortbread tonight. Freakin’ delicious. – FedEx sound familiar? #
- RT @steevymorin:ironic-the kindle becomes “memory hole” from orwell’s 1984-#amazon deletes #orwell books w/o warning http://twurl.nl/4uzafj #
- RT @thequeenoftarts:Made banana pancakes 4 @hhhernandez now @ the gym before I start on dessert experiments – Energized my day in lab. #
- RT @MIT_TechTV:The #MIT #Women’s #Technology Program (#WTP) had an uploading spree – http://tr.im/sQpI #
- RT @MIT_TechTV:The #MIT Summer #Research Program (#MSRP) continues to post great presentations – http://tr.im/sQpn #
- RT @MicroBytes:Killer parasite Bilharzia decoded http://bit.ly/KXZjR – great news #parasite #bilharzia #
- RT @HowStuffWorks09:Biomarker Of Breathing Control Abnorm Assoc W #Hypertension #Stroke: Scientists have identified .. http://bit.ly/bqMpR #
- Reading #Sporulation in #Mycobacteria – WTF! – can this be reason mycobacteria are so persistent? http://tr.im/sMcw #
- #NASA Jet Propulsion Lab Mars Science Laboratory – Send your name to #Mars! http://tr.im/sMad #
- Tattoo you – The secret tattoos of scientists – provided by @microbeworld – #tattoo #scientist – http://tr.im/sM8W #
- Ecologist brings century-old eggs to life to study evolution – #evolution #zooplankton – http://tr.im/sM6c #
- A list of Boston Area Restaurants on Twitter – List provided by @hiddenboston – #bostonrestaurants – http://tr.im/sM2z #
- #FF #followfriday – @earthinstitute – Columbia University Earth Institute – science, education, & public policy on sustainable earth #
- #FF #followfriday – @jonccarroll – Reel Pride Film Festival director and advocate for #LBGTs #
- #FF #followfriday – @ardenmyrin – the funniest person I know. You might have seen here on MADD TV … #
- #FF #followfriday – @clarkjf – scientist stroke researcher – taking care of your heart, mind, and family #
- RT @jonccarroll:RT @JoeMyGod: BIG NEWS: HATE CRIMES BILL PASSES U.S. SENATE! http://bit.ly/CHIEP – YEAH! #hatecrimes #
- RT @Steve_Andrews:If You Believe The Bible… You Also Must Believe… http://tinyurl.com/n7f93g #
- @RationalPD – he was telling him he was moving too fast. Slow down there buddy … in reply to RationalPD #
- RT @Steve_Andrews:The Vatican wakes up to the wisdom of Oscar Wilde http://tinyurl.com/n286zg – is someone turning in their grave/cloud? #
- RT @labeez:I Believe in America — Obama should end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell http://bit.ly/CFTpS #
- @PastryNinja – What did rootbeer ever do to you?
Although, I don’t think I would like rootbeer sorbet. in reply to PastryNinja #
- RT @blackaller:181 is the last prime number you can write before you run out of 140 characters – This can only come from you
- RT @anitaborg_org:list of #Scholarships for #women in #tech: http://bit.ly/SttLs thx @ClumberKim & @WomenWhoTech! #
- RT @steevymorin:Check out my company’s new website at http://bitesizemarketing.com #
- RT @ejc600words:focusing on white/black #education gap to exclusion of all other students keeps us from focusing on solut http://tr.im/sGuS #
- RT @HowStuffWorks09:Mayo Clinic researchers find previous #exercise helps #stroke patients recover faster http://bit.ly/lIBWk #
- A phone is not just a phone – Student projects explore innovative cellphone uses in developing world – #MIT #nextlab – http://tr.im/sGdh #
- RT @donttrythis:woke up 2 some VERY GOOD NEWS ™! Mythbusters been nominated for an EMMY / “Outstanding Reality Program”! WooT! High Five! #
- RT @JohnLeguizamo:ice age has to hit 150m domestic 4 me to collect my next bump/point/percentage-help me be richest latino actor u know
- RT @museblogger:Oh, good gravy. Cornyn asking asinine questions of Sotomayor/just found out who’s smarter than a 5th grader-it’s not Cornyn #
- RT @TacklingStroke:RT @hearthub: Submit your best Science #Abstract submission for Int’l #Stroke Conference http://twurl.nl/opm5xb #
- RT @medialab:The Company We Keep http://bit.ly/2G1BOS – Why managing online social networks matters – #MIT #medialab #
- RT @Comprendia:RT @salisburypost #Science is for #girls at Horizons Unlimited Biotech Camp http://bit.ly/lghY0 – awesome! #
- RT @sciencebase:Swine Flu Trending Again – http://tinyurl.com/lxsfre – Is reporting on the #H1N1 this bad in the US too? You be the judge. #
- The Curious Link Between Parked Cars and Perched Birds – #randommatrixtheory #statistics – http://tr.im/sBr1 #
- Tracking the Evolution of a Pandemic; Understanding how viruses evolve could help predict the next outbreak – #H1N1 – http://tr.im/sBpg #
- Carbon sequestration may enhance energy production, Stanford researchers say – #co2sequestration – http://tr.im/sBoe #
- Carbon Capture & Sequestration short from The Earth Institute, Columbia Univ – a little simplistic – #co2sequestration – http://tr.im/sBiA #
- Two weeks left for Imagine Science Film Festival submissions – #science #film #education – http://tr.im/sBhF #
- RT @jjmorin:Don’t rain today – It has been such a nice week so far … #
- RT @blackaller:sketchy beast http://bit.ly/3DYTLh #
- RT @thqueenofhearts:New Queen of Hearts post http://tr.im/sxD4 #health #fitness #AHA #yoga and @lotuspad #
- RT @MITNews: #Tracking #trash: Project to raise awareness of where your garbage goes: http://bit.ly/hY79M #
- RT @JustaSunGod:HAHAH “I don’t think she’s coming back” http://tinyurl.com/mz6zva – ROFLOL! very nice. #
- RT @JulieReynolds88:at #ASM Biology Scholar’s #Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Institute http://tr.im/surs #BioScholar #
- RT @billsimpson19:”There is more to life than #beer alone, but beer makes those other things even better.” (Stephen Morris ) nicely put #
- RT @OpenSky_Cooking:RT @benjamindaymon: The Care & Feeding of Cast Iron Cookware: http://bit.ly/MVx1T – I love my old cast iron cookware #
- RT @earthinstitute:Is it really possible to remove CO2 from the atmosphere? We think so! http://bit.ly/1Ifvx #co2sequestration #
- RT @Newsweek:Wii would like to resuscitate: Using Nintendo Wii to teach CPR http://bit.ly/2mo8Ta – #AHA #heart #
- RT @BarackObama:Launched #American #Graduation #Initiative 2 help addit 5 mill. Americans graduate college by 2020: http://bit.ly/gcTX7 #
- RT @after_school:A New Vision 4 Family, School, & Community Partnerships, leveling playing field 4 disadvant kids http://tinyurl.com/mzltjs #
- RT @Steve_Andrews:Explosion at a pie factory in Huddersfield. 3.14159265 dead. Damn – I should have thought of that one #geekjokes #
- RT @denyreligion:An Easy Way for Irish People to #Leave the #CatholicChurch #atheism http://bit.ly/JmGdL #
- @mmcgovern you should talk to @thqueenofhearts-works in exercise fitness-interested in women’s health-stroke/heart surg survivor-BTW, my GF in reply to mmcgovern #
- RT @NicoleStier:rt @mariopiperni Quote of the Day: President Obama http://is.gd/1z0OB Wow #
- @JustaSunGod
couldn’t resist … #sheeesh in reply to JustaSunGod #
- @JustaSunGod Pokypoky? poke poke poke? #sheeesh in reply to JustaSunGod #
- RT @ICAinBOSTON:Looking for female dancers aged 7-23 to take part in a performance at the ICA! http://is.gd/1yKWm – #Boston #ICA #
- Nanopillar Solar Cells – A new #solarcell #design could cut costs and is suitable for large-scale flexible panels – http://tr.im/sjbB #
- RT @after_school:RT @youthservice Lots of funding for youth service/service-learning projects at http://tr.im/siRP – #education #grants #
- RT @worldhistory:Getting married this summer? I am! I ran across this history on wedding #cakes and can’t help sharing http://su.pr/1NnOjX #
- RT @ruhlman:another argument for keeping molecular gastronomy techniques in the restaurant kitchen http://bit.ly/10Yvuj – #cookingfail #
- That last tweet was not necessarily good for the heart, but definitely good for the soul – #anythingpork #
- RT @steamykitchen:Carmelized Pork Belly photo:recipe fr @foodwishes http://bit.ly/5DruJ (big hit,@culinarysherpas @jessicarivelli enjyd it!) #
- Gender and ethnic differences in subarachnoid hemorrhage disproportionately affects #Mexican Americans & #women – http://tr.im/shn8 #stroke #
- Use of stroke secondary prevention services: are there disparities in care? – #stroke #minorities #women – http://tr.im/shl7 #
- RT @TacklingStroke:Find a stroke support group in your area: http://bit.ly/hGbG #stroke – It is a heart/stroke morning here in Hector land #
- RT @LabSpaces:Why African-Americans are at greater risk of hypertension and kidney disease – http://is.gd/1ytpz #heart #AHA #minorities #
- RT @cnni:Girl’s heart heals itself 10 years after transplant: Hannah Clark is a 16-year-old … http://bit.ly/11cHHN #heart #AHA #
- RT @mmcgovern:@hhhernandez it is! – I love coming over the Salt & Pepper & seeing the morn sun reflected off the Hancock tower. #
- RT @mmcgovern:good morning everyone! walking along the river – love the city before urban chaos sets in… – Boston is beautiful in the morn #
- RT @Comprendia:Here’s the list of biotech/life science comp blogs, feel free to post more: prefaced with my propaganda – http://ff.im/57GLg #
- University of Arizona film by Jarita Holbrook and Romeel Davé features nine #AfricanAmericn and #Hispanic #astronomers – http://tr.im/sdEL #
- How to Stage a #Revolution – Hai-Tao Zhang & Co @ University of Cambridge, reveal key #strategy of effective #leadership – http://tr.im/sdvO #
- RT @TacklingStroke:Do you know the warning signs of a #stroke? Watch Tedy Bruschi describe them here: http://bit.ly/5oyqR #AHA #
- 4-H #Science #Engineering #Technology initiative: addressing the need for scientists/engineers: engage 150K youth by 2013 http://tr.im/sact #
- RT @ASBMB: #HHMI Expands Support of #Postdoctoral Scientists http://www.hhmi.org/news/20090616.html #
- RT @ASBMB:Council on Undergraduate research calls for undergraduate research highlights http://bit.ly/NfCMB #ASBMB #undergradresearch #
- RT @after_school:RT @CDispatch Kids whip up #creativity at summer camp http://bit.ly/13WdLU #education #food #
- #MIT alumni partner with Glouster Public School system to improve #STEM #education – http://tr.im/s6TA #
- The International Development Design Summit – innovating/engineering solutions to third world problems – #MIT #IDDS – http://tr.im/s6fo #
- RT @RationalPD:wants an illegal ‘There is No God – so sue me’ T-shirt. @hhhernandez is second in line … #
- RT @BostonTweet:What is the distance (in Smoots) from Boston to MIT over the Mass Ave Bridge? 364.4 plus one ear … #MIT #SMOOT #
- Remember the kids game ‘telephone’? Is there a way to track your twitters as they get forwarded? Hmmm …. #
- RT @sciencebase Reading #Swearing Provides Pain Relief, “Scientific American reports t.. http://tinyurl.com/lzh4qr – I knew it mattered … #
- RT @anadk:Maybe, she’s just not that into you… RT @blackaller: why is she always so late? http://bit.ly/RxxHX – touche … #photos #
- Best line at #SOWA market – ‘honey, just ’cause you got a Jaguar doesn’t mean you can go’ – #southend #Boston #
- RT @TwistedBacteria:Liked “Eli Lilly Gives It Away” http://ff.im/56ZCg #bigpharma #drugdevelopment #
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