- I love coming back to Boston after being away. Such a great city. #
- Birds on an evolutionary speed track – fastest evolving birds found in Solomon islands – http://tinyurl.com/anlbmy #
- Gallery: Robotic Sub Installs Deep-Sea Webcam – http://tinyurl.com/csv863 #
- Who’s Messing with Wikipedia? WikiDashboard aims to reveal struggle behind Wikipedia’s most controvesial pages- http://tinyurl.com/btng23 #
- Cheaper Fuel Cells – Carbon nanotubes could replace platinum catalysts and help make fuel cells economical- http://tinyurl.com/ctd6wo #
- Someone is having a deliscious smelling asian lunch and I am suffering through a cheese sandwich. Need to do better at cooking lunches. #
- Taking a mid-day break to get some fresh air and think about some perplexing results. #
- Sitting here writing in my notebook eating a banana with crunchy peanut butter. Can you beat that? #
- Does anyone have a 100 ATM microbial growth chamber lying around? Didn’t think so. I have to put the parts list together and assemble it. #
- The full moon looks beautiful peaking from behind the wisps of clouds, framed by the city buildings. #
- @thequeenoftarts tisk tisk. It is not their fault they are deficient. #
- More power from bumps in the road – MIT students develop energy-harvesting shock absorbers – http://tinyurl.com/dd34pq #
- Got to love the market roll a coaster. #
- I love when school starts. All the undergrads get free food. There is a kid with 5 boxes of 5′ long subways walking down the infinite. #
- Going to hear Abraham Verghese read from his new book “Cutting for Stone”M #
- I am waiting for the agarose gel to solidify. That is the story of my life lately. #
- Massachusett’s Governor Patrick to deliver Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Commencement address – http://tinyurl.com/bl5e5s #
- Register for the Darwin 200th Birthday Call – https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/144491741 #
- Can we find 200,000 by Feb 12 to wish Darwin a happy 200th birthday? – http://tinyurl.com/ch3lkr #
- Hybrids Powered by Air. Storing energy with compressed air, rather than batteries, could cut the cost of hybrids – http://tinyurl.com/ab8jx4 #
- Does anyone know where shell muscle gonads are located in their body? Need to cut them out to feed the nematostella. #
- @JustaSunGod you mean that you are not the incarnation of Freyr or Huitzilopochtli or Tonatiuh? I am so let down. #
- Hello Houston, who is driving these things? 2 Big Satellites Collide 500 Miles Over Siberia – http://tinyurl.com/cxfz52 #
- That got me thinking, how many man made objects are in space? According to the US Air Force, a lot – ~10,000 – http://tinyurl.com/c9qkqn #
- Why we can’t use something like this to electronically track medical records for patients – its free – its http://openmrs.org/wiki/OpenMRS #
- Another thing you can do with your kids pets – Harnessing Hamster Power with a Nanogenerator- http://tinyurl.com/avm579 #
- Going to Tommy Doyles in h
Harvard for Wutang Wednesdays. I wonder what kind of mood Peter’s in tonight. # - Picking through blue / white colonies looking for my ligation insert. After a while they all look the same. Crossed eye syndrome. #
- Ran some errands. Could not find parking araound MIT. Arg! Drove home. Now on the bus and T back to work. #
- Have the parts list for the high pressure scCO2 growth chamber. Drawing the piping diagram. Next is ordering parts / heading to machine shop #
- Best Sperm for the Job – Ranking sperm cells could improve the odds of in vitro fertilization – http://tinyurl.com/aomooc #
- A Virus That Rebuilds Damaged Nerves – Genetically engineered viruses could form a scaffold for nerve cells – http://tinyurl.com/cmwbdu #
- MIT Professor David Schauer shows that chronic infection may add to developing-world deaths – http://tinyurl.com/ash3zw #
- PDAs aren’t just for checking e-mail – Researchers use handheld devices to monitor TB patients in Peru – http://tinyurl.com/crva7t #
- Just rejoined the MIT machine shop. Watch out! Going to start making some cool instruments for lab. #
- A snakelike robotic arm may one day medically attend to soldiers as they are carried off the battlefield – http://tinyurl.com/cjyqph #
- Two new studies show that the effects of a mother’s early environment can be passed on to the next generation – http://tinyurl.com/cxnl2a #
- Watching Darwin’s Secret Notebook on National Geographic HD. #
- Neanderthal Genome Unraveled – Scientists announce the first complete draft of our closest relative’s genome – http://tinyurl.com/bn984l #
- Cleaning the kitchen and listening to the Pet Shop Boys. Getting ready for an afternoon of baking. #
- Just saw Slumdog Millionaire. I get it now. #
- Got the bagel dough rising, the brownies are in the oven, and working on the biscuits. BTW black cocoa is really really dark, like black. #
- Bottling the blood orange vodka infusion. Waiting on friends to go to the chocolate and port tasting at Brix South End. The brownies rock! #
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